Making the Donation
As I reflect on the time I spent in Houston, with Lady Taylor, and the volunteers, I continue to realize how amazing this opportunity and this experience really was. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting since I had no prior knowledge to where we were going or what the area looked like, but everything was so new for me. We drove through the community where the church was and it was shocking to see how the effects of the hurricane and its devastation were still persisting in the community, which looked socioeconomically to have been fairly weak to begin with. This further struck my chords of compassion and reminded me why I did this project and why it had really been so important for me to travel to Houston and personally see my project to the end.
When we pulled up to the church, we weren't even sure if we had the right place. There was nobody else around, which made us wary as we were in a totally new community that was very far from home. We had no clue what to expect because we were trusting completely that this contact my dad knew had been able to get us a solid destination. After a little while, a car pulled up next to us, and one boy got out and came over to the UHaul. He introduced himself and pointed to the car to indicate that they were volunteers sent by Lady Taylor to help us unload the truck. The three boys who helped us out were quiet but incredibly kind, and we were able to unload all the donations in about a half hour.
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